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About Thaaikarangal
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In the Press
Hostel for the Blind
Other Services
Circulars for the Visually Impaired
/ Go/Circulars
Government Orders / Circulars / Application Forms for the Visually Impaired
Banking facility to visually impaired person indian bank circular
Banking facility to persons with disabilities
Accessible to persons with disabilities
Banking facilities to visually challenged / persons with disabilities
Loan facilities to the physically / visually challenged by NBFCs
Providing Banking Facilities to Visually Impaired Persons
Atm Facilities For Visually Challenged Persons
Internet Banking (INB) facility for Visually Challenged (VC)
General Government Orders
Court order not to show any discrimination in providing health insurance to the visually impaired
Allotment of petroleum product dealerships to blind persons
Allowing differently-abled persons to run roadside cart stalls on a priority basis as per City Sales Committee norms
Greenhouse for differently abled persons - Government order
Office Memorandum - Eligibility of disabled children for family pension after marriage
Disabled covered under CMCHS - regarding - G.O copy communication
Free Dharsan for Palani Temple
Preference for differently abled persons to get free ration items
Provision of housing on priority basis by rural development
Public Shop Reservation
Rural Shop Reservation
Social welfare destitute differently abled pension scheme
The witness of the visually impaired are not to be underestimated chennai
For the Unemployed
மாற்றுத்திறனாளிகளுக்கு சுய வேலைவாய்ப்பினை ஊக்குவித்தல் ஆவின் நிறுவனத்தின் பால் உற்பத்தி பொருள் விற்பனை
Welfare of differently abled persons
10 year Age Concessions to Differently Abled Persons in Employment
All kinds of Unemployed Disabled persons unemployment Allowance
Applicability of instructions regarding reservation to SC ST OBC Disability & Ex-servicemen as issued by Govt Ministries Departments, to CPSEs
For Travel
75 travel concession in state-owned transport corporation Mofussil-buses
75 travel concession to severely affected persons with escort
Exemption from Toll gate for Persons with Disabilities
Free travel for disabled people on white board town buses
Handicapped Vehicle Registration Government Letter
The process of converting the vehicle ownership to 'Divyangjan' in the RC
Railway concession certificate
Regarding regulations to be followed by drivers and conductors while traveling in differently abled buses
Car Excise Duty Road Tax Exempt for Persons with Disabilities
Circular - Supply of car for physically handicapped customers on concessional rate of excise duty-regarding
Excise duty consession certificate to Persons with disability
Excise duty consession certificate to Persons with disability Apr 2016
Excise duty consession certificate to Persons with disability May 2016
India Motor Tariff
Maruti Guidelines
Car GST Concession Certificate for Persons with Disabilities User Guide
Final revised guidelines 21st April 2020
Online Portal for GST Concession Certificate to Person with Disabilities(PWD) - User Manual
Validity Extension
For Employees
Govt letter to provide job transfer to differently abled persons in their hometown
Appointment of Grievance Redressal Officer for Government Employees with Disabilities in all Tamil Nadu Government Offices
Differently abled staffs leaving office 15minutes in advance - Order Letter
Election Duty exemption application
Exception for visually impaired persons from local body election duties
Exemption from the routine exercise of transfer/rotational transfer
GO for the permanent employment of persons with disabilities who have been working on temporary basis for more than two years in the Government of Tamil Nadu
Professional Tax exemption
Reservation of Rental Quarters
Six days special casual leave for government employees who take care of special children
Special Casual Leave for -celebrating International Differently Abled Day
வருமான வரி தொடர்பான அரசாணைகள்
Gos documents relevant to conveyance allowance by thaaikarangal
Conveyance allowance case
அரசாணை நிலை எண் 2
அரசாணை நிலை எண் 307
அரசாணை நிலை எண் 391
அரசாணை நிலை எண் 667
ஊரடங்குக் காலத்தில் போக்குவரத்துப் படி பெறத் தடையில்லை
விடுமுறை காலங்களில் ஊர்திப்படி பிடித்தம் செய்யக் கூடாது அரசு கடிதம் 2021
Education Related
Guidelines for conducting written examination for persons with disabilities>
Disable friendly examination centres for candidates with diabilities Order of Court of Chief Commissioner for persons with disabilities - reg
Guidelines for conducting written examination for Persons with Disabilities
G O MS 30 (Special Fees)
G O MS full fees exemption, for disabled students studying in Government and Government Aided Higher Education Institutions
Guidelines for conducting written examination for Persons with disability
Guidelines for conducting written examination for Persons with disability from UGC
Letter for Special Fees
Letter for tuition fees exemption one hour extra time
Regular Tution Fees and Special Fees Exemption
Tamil Nadu Teacher Eligibility Test Relaxation of 5 percent marks to the candidates belonging to Differently Able
Disability Acts
The Persons with Disabilitiess Act 1995
The Rights of Persons with Disabilities Act 2016
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